South Korea: A Comedian Country

   Let me declare that I have solved the mystery of South Korea. Recently it has done a lot of quite unreasonable things. To be precise, it was always doing a lot of quite unreasonable things, but recently the situation is getting worse and worse. It seems that no Koreans have gained anything at all from those unreasonable things they have done, but it is still going that way intentionally. That was the mystery I have solved.

   I do not want to be subjective, therefore I will pick up examples from newspaper of South Korea. Today on May 10th, Chosun Online published a column titled “In order for US to grasp hearts of Koreans.” This itself shows that it had never occurred to Koreans that Koreans have to grasp hearts of Americans, but not vice versa. Or another column of Chosun Online on My 8th raised a question why Japan can be so cold to a country next door (which means South Korea). The reason is clear for the people all over the world except Koreans. That is because Koreans hate Japan and they interrupt any achievements of Japan all over the world.

   The funniest article for me, however, was found on May 4th in the Hankyoreh. In the column “How to escape from the diplomatic crisis occurred from Japan,” there is a sentence as follows; “The United States puts higher priority on checking China than on regrets over the past of Japan.”

   It is the moment I read that sentence that I solved the mystery of South Korea. The answer is; South Korea is determined to be a “Comedian Country” and is trying to be as funny as possible.

   As the world has never seen a Comedian Country or a Comedian Government so far in the whole history, I am touched by this pretty original and new effort of South Korea. Also, I have to admit that South Korea now is already at least one of the funniest governments in the history of the Earth. Its attempt is almost completed.

   My humble hope is that South Korea could refrain from doing anything harmful to Japan.